Source: widgets/SpwPrint.js

Retour à la documentation
 * @class spw.widgets.SpwPrint
define(["dojo/_base/declare", "spw/api/SpwBaseTemplatedWidget",
        "dojo/text!./templates/SpwPrint.html", "spw/api/Printer",
        "dojo/_base/lang", "esri/request", "dojo/_base/array",
        "dojo/dom-construct", "dojo/dnd/Moveable", "dojo/dnd/Mover",
        "dojo/_base/event", "dojo/dom-geometry", "dojo/on", "dojo/mouse",
        "dojo/dom-style", "dojo/window", "dojo/Evented", "dojo/Stateful",
        "dijit/Destroyable", "esri/geometry/Extent", "dojo/Deferred",
        "dojo/promise/all", "spw/api/Utils", "dojo/request/iframe",
        "dojo/query", "dojo/_base/config",

        "dijit/form/SimpleTextarea", "dijit/form/TextBox", "dijit/form/Button",
    function(declare, SpwBaseTemplatedWidget, template, Printer,
             lang, request, array, domConstruct, Moveable, Mover,
             dojoEvent, domGeometry, on, mouse, domStyle, win, Evented,
             Stateful, Destroyable, Extent, Deferred, all, Utils, iframe, query, dojoConfig){

        var PreviewFrame = declare([], {
//  var PreviewFrame = declare([Evented, Stateful, Destroyable], {
            map: null,
            printWidget: null,

            reportInfo: null,
            ratio: null,

            left: null,
            right: null,
            top: null,
            bottom: null,
            cross: null,
            items: ['box', 'cross'],

            rosaceUrl: "",

            resizing: false,
            moving: false,

            w: null,
            h: null,

            x: 0,
            y: 0,

            crossWidth: 100,
            crossHeight: 100,

            borderWidth: 5,

            constructor: function(opts) {
                lang.mixin(this, opts);


            destroy: function() {


            destroyBox: function() {

            buildBox: function() {
                this.ratio = this.reportInfo.imageWidth / this.reportInfo.imageHeight;
                var vs = {
                    w: this.printWidget.spwViewer.get('spwMap').getWidth(),
                    h: this.printWidget.spwViewer.get('spwMap').getHeight()

                var h = this.h = this.reportInfo.imageHeight;
                var w = this.w = this.reportInfo.imageWidth;

                var centerX = 0.5 * vs.w;
                var centerY = 0.5 * vs.h;

                this.x = centerX - (this.crossWidth / 2);
                this.y = centerY - (this.crossHeight / 2);

                this.cross = domConstruct.create('div', {
                    'class': 'SpwPrintV3Cross'

                domStyle.set(this.cross, {
                    width: this.crossWidth + 'px',
                    height: this.crossHeight + 'px',
                    top: this.y + 'px',
                    left: this.x + 'px'

       = domConstruct.create('div', {
                    'class': 'SpwPrintV3Preview'

                domStyle.set(, {
                    width: w + 'px',
                    height: h + 'px',
                    top: centerY - (h/2) + 'px',
                    left: centerX - (w/2) + 'px'

            update: function(reportInfo) {
                if (reportInfo.imageWidth === this.reportInfo.imageWidth && reportInfo.imageHeight === this.reportInfo.imageHeight) {

                var ratio = reportInfo.imageWidth / reportInfo.imageHeight;
                var diffW = ratio / this.ratio;
                var deltaW = (this.w * diffW) - this.w;

                this.reportInfo = reportInfo;
                this.ratio = ratio;


            show: function() {
                array.forEach(this.items, lang.hitch(this, function(key) {
                    domStyle.set(this[key], 'display', '');

            hide: function() {
                array.forEach(this.items, lang.hitch(this, function(key) {
                    domStyle.set(this[key], 'display', 'none');

            getExtent: function() {
                var min =, this.y);
                var max = + this.w, this.y + this.h);

                return new Extent(min.x, min.y, max.x, max.y,;

        return declare("spw.widgets.SpwPrint", [SpwBaseTemplatedWidget], /** @lends spw.widgets.SpwPrint.prototype */{

            infoMessage: 'Avant d\'imprimer, recadrez la carte en vous aidant du cadre (redimensionnable).<br/>En cliquant sur <i>Imprimer</i>, vous générez un fichier que vous pourrez ensuite imprimer.',

            templateString: template,
            defaultReport: {
                a4_portrait: 'tmpl_A4_portrait',
                a4_paysage: 'tmpl_A4_paysage',
                a3_portrait: 'tmpl_A3_portrait',
                a3_paysage: 'tmpl_A3_paysage'
            reportParams: {
                logoWallon: 'images/templates/logoWallon2.png',
                header1: 'Géoportail de la Wallonie'
            templates: {
                tmpl_A4_portrait: {
                    url: "reportA4Portrait.jrxml",
                    "default": true,
                    imageWidth: 555*1.4,
                    imageHeight: 732*1.4
                tmpl_A4_paysage: {
                    url: "reportA4Landscape.jrxml",
                    imageWidth: 802*1.4,
                    imageHeight: 489*1.4,
                    data: null
                tmpl_A4_portrait_docx: {
                    url: "reportA4PortraitDocx.jrxml",
                    imageWidth: 555*1.4,
                    imageHeight: 732*1.4,
                    data: {
                        logoWallon: "images/templates/logoWallon2.png"
                tmpl_A4_paysage_docx: {
                    url: "reportA4LandscapeDocx.jrxml",
                    imageWidth: 802*1.4,
                    imageHeight: 489*1.4,
                    data: {
                        logoWallon: "images/templates/logoWallon2.png"
                tmpl_A3_portrait: {
                    url: "reportA3Portrait.jrxml",
                    imageWidth: 802*1.4,
                    imageHeight: 1080*1.4,
                    data: null
                tmpl_A3_portrait_docx: {
                    url: "reportA3PortraitDocx.jrxml",
                    imageWidth: 802*1.4,
                    imageHeight: 1080*1.4,
                    data: {
                        logoWallon: "images/templates/logoWallon2.png"
                tmpl_A3_paysage: {
                    url: "reportA3Landscape.jrxml",
                    imageWidth: 1150*1.4,
                    imageHeight: 736*1.4,
                    data: null
                tmpl_A3_paysage_docx: {
                    url: "reportA3LandscapeDocx.jrxml",
                    imageWidth: 1150*1.4,
                    imageHeight: 736*1.4,
                    data: {
                        logoWallon: "images/templates/logoWallon2.png"

            selectedTemplate: "",

//        _enterHandler: null,
//        _leaveHandler: null,
//        _mapDomNodeHover: false,

            nodesToReposition: ['.esriControlsBR'],
            nodesOriginalPosition: null,

            "widgetTitle": "Imprimer cette vue",
            "reportUrl": dojoConfig.geoviewerApiUrl + "/Report",
            "useCors": true,
            "iconClass": "printIcon",
            "style": {
                "padding": "8px"
            "position": "panel-light",
            "height": "auto",
            "right": "15px",
            "top": "85px",
            "width": "350px",

             * @constructs
             * @param config
            constructor: function() {

            postCreate: function() {

                this.infoNode.innerHTML = this.infoMessage;

                if(this.spwViewer.isSideWindow() && !this.spwViewer.get('localSpwMap') && window.opener.require("spw/api/SpwViewer").getInstance().get('localSpwMap')){
                    window.opener.require(["spw/api/Printer"], function(PrinterParent){
                        this.printer = new PrinterParent();
                } else {
                    this.printer = new Printer({nodesToReposition: this.nodesToReposition});


            _getUrlAttr: function() {
                if (this.useCors !== true) {
                    if (/^(http|https):\/\//.test(this.reportUrl) && this.spwViewer.get('proxyPageUrl')) {
                        if (this.reportUrl.indexOf(this.spwViewer.get('proxyPageUrl')) < 0) {
                            return this.spwViewer.get('proxyPageUrl') + '?' + this.reportUrl;

                return this.reportUrl;

            onActivate: function(){

                this.formatA4Hdl = this.formatA4.on('change', lang.hitch(this, this.createPreviewZone));
                this.formatA3Hdl = this.formatA3.on('change', lang.hitch(this, this.createPreviewZone));
                this.formatPortaitHdl = this.formatPortait.on('change', lang.hitch(this, this.createPreviewZone));
                this.formatLandscapeHdl = this.formatLandscape.on('change', lang.hitch(this, this.createPreviewZone));
                this.pngChanged = this.pngType.on('change', lang.hitch(this, this.createPreviewZone));
                this.docxChanged = this.docxType.on('change', lang.hitch(this, this.createPreviewZone));
                this.pdfChanged = this.pngType.on('change', lang.hitch(this, this.createPreviewZone));


                // the code bellow is used when the widget is set "integrated" in a Toolbar
                // in order to block the menu while the user manipulates the map
                // this should be improved with a test on position + done in the SpwBaseWidget class
//            var mapDomNode = this.spwViewer.get('spwMap').domNode, _this = this;

//            this.own(
//                this._enterHandler = on(mapDomNode, mouse.enter, lang.hitch(this, function() {
//                    this._mapDomNodeHover = true;
//                })),
//                this._leaveHandler = on(mapDomNode, mouse.leave, lang.hitch(this, function() {
//                    this._mapDomNodeHover = false;
//                }))
//            );

//            require(["dojo/aspect", "dijit/popup"], function(aspect, popup){
//                tp = popup.getTopPopup();
//                if(tp){
//                	aspect.around(tp.parent, "closeDropDown", function(originalCloseDropDown){
//                        return function(method, args){
//                            if(!_this._mapDomNodeHover){
//                                originalCloseDropDown.apply(this,arguments);
//                            } else {
//                                tp.parent._focusManager.focus(_this.domNode);
//                            }
//                        }
//                	});
//                }
//            });

            onDeactivate: function(){


                if (this._enterHandler) {
                    this._enterHandler = null;

                if (this._leaveHandler) {
                    this._leaveHandler = null;

                if(this.formatA4Hdl) this.formatA4Hdl.remove();
                if(this.formatA3Hdl) this.formatA3Hdl.remove();
                if(this.formatPortaitHdl) this.formatPortaitHdl.remove();
                if(this.formatLandscapeHdl) this.formatLandscapeHdl.remove();
                if(this.pngChanged) this.pngChanged.remove();
                if(this.docxChanged) this.docxChanged.remove();
                if(this.pdfChanged) this.pdfChanged.remove();

            createPreviewZone: function() {
                if (this.previewZone == null) {
                    this.previewZone = new PreviewFrame({
                        map: this.spwViewer.get('spwMap'),
                        printWidget: this,
                        reportInfo: this.getChosenTemplate()
                else {

            destroyPreviewZone: function() {
                    this.previewZone = null;

//        repositionWidgets: function(template) {
//            var spwMap = this.spwViewer.get('spwMap');
//            var overflowW = (template.imageWidth - spwMap.getWidth()) / 2;
//            var overflowH = (template.imageHeight - spwMap.getHeight()) / 2;
//            array.forEach(, lang.hitch(this, function(w) {
//                w.hideOnPrint && domStyle.set(w.domNode, 'display', 'none');
//                var mapPosition = w.mapPosition;
//                if (mapPosition) {
//                    var top = parseInt(;
//                    var bottom = parseInt(mapPosition.bottom);
//                    var right = parseInt(mapPosition.right);
//                    var left = parseInt(mapPosition.left);
//                    var style = {
//                        top: isNaN(top) ? null : top + 'px',
//                        left: isNaN(left) ? null : left + 'px',
//                        right: isNaN(right) ? null : right + 'px',
//                        bottom: isNaN(bottom) ? null : bottom + 'px'
//                    };
//                    if (overflowH < 0) {
//                        if (!isNaN(bottom)) {
//                            style.bottom = (bottom - overflowH) + 'px';
//                        }
//                        else if (!isNaN(top)) {
//                   = (top - overflowH) + 'px';
//                        }
//                    }
//                    if (overflowW < 0) {
//                        if (!isNaN(right)) {
//                            style.right = (right - overflowW) + 'px';
//                        }
//                        else if (!isNaN(left)) {
//                            style.left = (left - overflowW) + 'px';
//                        }
//                    }
//                    domStyle.set(w.domNode, style);
//                }
//            }));
//            this.nodesOriginalPosition = {};
//            array.forEach(this.nodesToReposition, lang.hitch(this, function(nodeToReposition) {
//                var node = query(nodeToReposition)[0];
//                if (node) {
//                    var top = parseInt(domStyle.get(node, 'top'));
//                    var bottom = parseInt(domStyle.get(node, 'bottom'));
//                    var right = parseInt(domStyle.get(node, 'right'));
//                    var left = parseInt(domStyle.get(node, 'left'));
//                    var style = {
//                        top: isNaN(top) ? null : top + 'px',
//                        left: isNaN(left) ? null : left + 'px',
//                        right: isNaN(right) ? null : right + 'px',
//                        bottom: isNaN(bottom) ? null : bottom + 'px'
//                    };
//                    if ( && style.bottom) {
//                        delete;
//                    }
//                    if (style.left && style.right) {
//                        delete style.left;
//                    }
//                    this.nodesOriginalPosition[nodeToReposition] = lang.clone(style);
//                    if (overflowH < 0) {
//                        if (!isNaN(bottom)) {
//                            style.bottom = (bottom - overflowH) + 'px';
//                        }
//                        else if (!isNaN(top)) {
//                   = (top - overflowH) + 'px';
//                        }
//                    }
//                    if (overflowW < 0) {
//                        if (!isNaN(right)) {
//                            style.right = (right - overflowW) + 'px';
//                            delete style.left;
//                        }
//                        else if (!isNaN(left)) {
//                            style.left = (left - overflowW) + 'px';
//                        }
//                    }
//                    domStyle.set(node, style);
//                }
//            }));
//        },

            printClicked: function(args) {
                var printComesFromIdentify = args.fromIdentify != null && args.fromIdentify;
                var callback = args.callbackPrint || this.createPNG;

                if (this.spwViewer.get('spwMap').isUpdating()) {
                    this.spwViewer.get('spwMap').esriMap.emit('update-end', {error: null});

       = this.spwViewer.spwWidgetsManager.getWidgets({
                    activated: true,
                    position: 'map'

                this.oldExtent = this.spwViewer.get('spwMap').getCurrentExtent();
                var extent = this.previewZone.getExtent();

                    var template = this.getChosenTemplate();
//                this.repositionWidgets(template);

                    if(this.formatA4.get('checked') && this.formatPortait.get('checked')){
                        this.printer.getImage(this.spwViewer.get('spwMap').domNode, template.imageWidth, template.imageHeight, true, extent, lang.hitch(this, callback), printComesFromIdentify ? args.rosaceUrl : this.rosaceUrl, printComesFromIdentify);
                    }else if(this.formatA4.get('checked') && this.formatLandscape.get('checked')){
                        this.printer.getImage(this.spwViewer.get('spwMap').domNode, template.imageWidth, template.imageHeight, true, extent, lang.hitch(this, callback), this.rosaceUrl);
                    }else if(this.formatA3.get('checked') && this.formatPortait.get('checked')){
                        this.printer.getImage(this.spwViewer.get('spwMap').domNode, template.imageWidth, template.imageHeight, true, extent, lang.hitch(this, callback), this.rosaceUrl);
                    }else if(this.formatA3.get('checked') && this.formatLandscape.get('checked')){
                        this.printer.getImage(this.spwViewer.get('spwMap').domNode, template.imageWidth, template.imageHeight, true, extent, lang.hitch(this, callback), this.rosaceUrl);
                else {


            getChosenTemplate: function(){
                var template;
                if(this.formatA4.get('checked') && this.formatPortait.get('checked') && this.pdfType.get('checked')){
                    template = this.templates.tmpl_A4_portrait;
                }else if(this.formatA4.get('checked') && this.formatLandscape.get('checked') && this.pdfType.get('checked')){
                    template = this.templates.tmpl_A4_paysage;
                }else if(this.formatA3.get('checked') && this.formatPortait.get('checked') && this.pdfType.get('checked')){
                    template = this.templates.tmpl_A3_portrait;
                }else if(this.formatA3.get('checked') && this.formatLandscape.get('checked') && this.pdfType.get('checked')){
                    template = this.templates.tmpl_A3_paysage;
                }else if(this.formatA3.get('checked') && this.formatPortait.get('checked') && this.docxType.get('checked')){
                    template = this.templates.tmpl_A3_portrait_docx;
                }else if(this.formatA3.get('checked') && this.formatLandscape.get('checked') && this.docxType.get('checked')){
                    template = this.templates.tmpl_A3_paysage_docx;
                }else if(this.formatA4.get('checked') && this.formatPortait.get('checked') && this.docxType.get('checked')){
                    template = this.templates.tmpl_A4_portrait_docx;
                }else if(this.formatA4.get('checked') && this.formatLandscape.get('checked') && this.docxType.get('checked')){
                    template = this.templates.tmpl_A4_paysage_docx;
                else if (this.formatA4.get('checked')) {
                    if (this.formatPortait.get('checked')) {
                        template = this.templates[this.defaultReport.a4_portrait];
                    else {
                        template = this.templates[this.defaultReport.a4_paysage];
                else if (this.formatA3.get('checked')) {
                    if (this.formatPortait.get('checked')) {
                        template = this.templates[this.defaultReport.a3_portrait];
                    else {
                        template = this.templates[this.defaultReport.a3_paysage];
                else {
                    template = this.templates[this.defaultReport.a4_portrait];

                return template;

            getTemplate: function(extent) {
                var template = this.getChosenTemplate();
                    url: template.url,
                    handleAs: 'text'
                    lang.hitch(this, function(response) {
                        this.selectedTemplate = lang.mixin(template, {
                            rawTemplate: response

                        this.printer.getImage(this.spwViewer.get('spwMap').domNode, template.imageWidth, template.imageHeight, true, extent, lang.hitch(this, this.createReport), this.rosaceUrl);

                    }), lang.hitch(this, function(error) {
                        //dans ce cas, url contient la valeur par défaut qui correspond au fichier template par défaut sur le serveur
                        this.selectedTemplate = "defaultFileName:" + template.url;
                        console.log("Template d'impression non trouvé, utilisation du template serveur par défaut : " + template.url);

                        this.printer.getImage(this.spwViewer.get('spwMap').domNode, template.imageWidth, template.imageHeight, true, extent, lang.hitch(this, this.createReport), this.rosaceUrl);

            createReport: function(canvas){

                var img = canvas.toDataURL();
                img = img.substring(img.indexOf(",") + 1);

                var Data = {
                    Data: []

                var Properties = {};

                var promise = new Deferred();

                if(this.legend.get('checked')) {
                    var mapServices = this.spwViewer.get('spwMap').getMapServices({
                        isBaseMap: false,
                        visible: true

                    var recurseLayers = function(layer, level){
                        if(layer.subLayers.length > 0){
                            var l = [];
                            array.forEach(layer.subLayers, function(subLayer){
                                l = l.concat(recurseLayers(subLayer, level + 1));
                            return l;
                        } else {
                            if (layer.get('inTOC')) {
                                var legs = [{level: level, label: layer.get('name'), symbol: ""}];

                                array.forEach(layer.get('legends'), function (leg) {
                                        level: level + 1,
                                        label: (leg.label ? leg.label : layer.get('name')),
                                        symbol: leg.imageData
                                return legs;
                            else {
                                return [];

                    var legPromises =, lang.hitch(this, function(mapService){
                        var p = new Deferred();

                            level: 0,
                            label: mapService.get('label'),
                            symbol: ""

                        var loopThroughLayers = function() {
                            array.forEach(mapService.get('mapServiceLayers'), function(subLayer){
                                if(!subLayer.parentLayer) {
                                    Data.Data = Data.Data.concat(recurseLayers(subLayer, 1));

                        if (!mapService.get('legendLoaded')) {
                            this.own(on.once(mapService,, lang.hitch(this, loopThroughLayers)));
                        else {

                        return p;

                    all(legPromises).then(lang.hitch(this, function() {
                else {

                promise.then(lang.hitch(this, function() {
                    if (typeof(this.selectedTemplate) === 'string') {
                        this.sendReport(this.get('url'), this.selectedTemplate, img, Data, Properties);
                    else {
                        var promises = [];

                        for (var key in this.reportParams) {
                            var templateData = || {};

                            if (this.reportParams.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                                var p = new Deferred();

                                var value = templateData[key] || this.reportParams[key];

                                if ((/\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|tiff|png)$/i).test(value)) {
                                    var splitted = value.split('.');
                                    var ext = splitted[splitted.length - 1];

                                    (function(tmp, k) {
                                        Utils.imgToBase64(value, ext, function(image) {
                                            Properties[k] = image.substring(image.indexOf(",") + 1);
                                    })(p, key);
                                else {
                                    Properties[key] = value;

                        all(promises).then(lang.hitch(this, function() {
                            this.sendReport(this.get('url'), this.selectedTemplate.rawTemplate, img, Data, Properties);

//                this.resetWidgets();
//                this.resetNodes();


            sendReport: function(url, template, mapImage, data, properties) {
                this.Data.value = JSON.stringify(data);
                this.Properties.value = JSON.stringify(properties);
                this.FileName.value = "rapport-" + new Date().toLocaleDateString().replace(/\//gim,'-').replace(/ /gim,'-');
                this.Template.value = encodeURIComponent(template);
                this.MapImage.value = mapImage;
                this.formDownload.action = url;


                // iframe._currentDfd = null;
                // iframe(url, {
                //     method: 'POST',
                //     form: this.formDownload
                // });


//        resetWidgets: function() {
//            array.forEach(, lang.hitch(this, function(w) {
//                w.hideOnPrint && domStyle.set(w.domNode, 'display', '');
//                if (w.mapPosition) {
//                    domStyle.set(w.domNode, w.mapPosition);
//                }
//            }));
//        },

//        resetNodes: function() {
//            array.forEach(this.nodesToReposition, lang.hitch(this, function(nodeToReposition) {
//                var node = query(nodeToReposition)[0];
//                if (node && this.nodesOriginalPosition[nodeToReposition]) {
//                    domStyle.set(node, this.nodesOriginalPosition[nodeToReposition]);
//                }
//            }));
//        },

            createPNG: function(canvas){
//            this.resetWidgets();
//            this.resetNodes();

                var newWindow ='');
                newWindow.document.body.innerHTML = '<html><head></head><body><img src="' + canvas.toDataURL() + '"/></body></html>';


            hideWidget: function() {
                domStyle.set(this.domNode, 'display', 'none');
                domStyle.set(this.domNode.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement, 'display', 'none');

            showWidget: function() {
                domStyle.set(this.domNode, 'display', '');
                domStyle.set(this.domNode.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement, 'display', '');

            typeChanged: function(){
                if(this.legend && this.pngType){
                    this.legend.set('disabled', this.pngType.checked);

//        resetWidgetsAndNodes: function() {
//            this.resetWidgets();
////            this.resetNodes();
//        }
